Register your partner with us. This will entitle your partner to a partner’s pension after you pass away.
There are a number of conditions for the entitlement to a partner’s pension:
- You have not retired yet.
- You and your partner reside at the same address and have done so for at least 6 months.
- You have signed a notarial cohabitation contract. This contract must include a maintenance obligation. Alternatively, you have proof that you have both been registered at the same address in the Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen) for at least 6 months.
- You and your partner are not related in the direct line (parent or child).
- We accepted your partner before your retirement date.
What must you do?
Log in to your personal pension portal. You can change your details under the heading ‘Your profile’.
What will we do?
You will receive confirmation from us once we have processed your details. As from the next year, your partner will be listed on the annual uniform pension statement that you receive from us. This will also state the corresponding amounts.
How much will your partner receive?
You can find this in your personal pension portal under ‘Your schemes – Risk insurance’. Please note:You can only see this while you are a participant in the pension scheme. Once you leave employment, you will no longer see an amount listed for your partner.
Extra pension for your partner: ANW survivor benefit shortfall insurance
Your partner may be entitled to an ANW survivor benefit from the government after you pass away. This is a benefit under the Surviving Dependants Act (Algemene Nabestaandenwet, or ANW). Not everyone is entitled to such a benefit and some may receive a lower benefit. In that case, your partner’s income will fall. To cover this shortfall, you may be able to take out ANW survivor benefit shortfall insurance with us. We also refer to this as an extra partner’s pension.
Please note: Your employer may opt to include the ANW survivor benefit shortfall insurance in its pension scheme. The ANW survivor benefit shortfall insurance is not included by default. Please check your personal pension portal to see whether this option is available to you.