About Centraal Beheer PPI

Centraal Beheer PPI N.V. trades under the name Centraal Beheer PPI and is registered with the commercial register of the Amsterdam Chamber of Commerce under number 53204352. Centraal Beheer PPI has its registered office at MediArena 5-8, 1114 BC in Amsterdam (the Netherlands).

We can be reached on business days at +31 (0)20 - 591 42 42 or by e-mail via centraalbeheerppi@achmea.nl. For more information, visit centraalbeheerppi.nl.

Centraal Beheer PPI has a licence from De Nederlandsche Bank N.V. to operate as a premium pension institution (PPI) and has been administering defined contribution schemes since 2012. Centraal Beheer PPI is a part of Achmea.